At Hion, we approach things differently, not for the sake of being unconventional, but to be distinctly better. Our driving philosophy is to consistently challenge the status quo and question the norms. As both a brand and a pioneering manufacturer, we firmly believe in our ethical and moral duty to question and enhance every facet of the health, fitness, nutrition, and well-being industries.
Our unceasing pursuit of perfection fuels our commitment to constant growth, positioning Hion as a trailblazer in comprehending functional ingredients and crafting cutting-edge Superfoods.
Our fervor for excellence ensures that we are always in sync with the latest advancements in health, fitness, medical, and nutritional research and developments. We are perpetually analyzing the latest scientific, medical, and nutritional reports while exploring the ever-evolving landscape of fad diets and scrutinizing emerging Superfood ingredients. By adhering to a rigorously factual approach, Hion unveils the 'real' truth behind many of today's claims, thereby guaranteeing that our supplements deliver genuine results by incorporating only the finest ingredients.
Over the years, we have amassed a substantial wealth of knowledge, which equips us with a deep understanding of what it takes to manufacture the purest and most effective superfoods on the market today. Unlike certain manufacturers, we neither blindly chase the latest trends nor attempt to bewilder or confound consumers with clever marketing tactics. Hion is driven by an ingrained purpose and an ardent desire to challenge and elevate the current state of the health, nutrition, and fitness industries. We have taken upon ourselves the personal responsibility of establishing new benchmarks, raising expectations, and offering everyone a scientifically proven and exceptionally high-quality alternative in the domain of healthy, functional nutrition.
This passion, purpose, and drive empower us to develop all the necessary tools for designing and manufacturing exceptionally high-quality, industry-leading Superfoods that consistently deliver a wide array of scientifically proven results. With ethics and morality as our guiding principles, health-conscious and quality-oriented customers can now place 100% trust and reliance in our brand.
At Hion, we begin with a seemingly skeptical stance because we firmly believe that the path to perfection necessitates trust in nothing, rigorous questioning of everything, and the readiness to adapt to the unexpected. Our commitment to developing Superfoods is rooted in the unwavering reliance on scientific facts to guide our decisions. We employ advanced nutritional analysis to meticulously select our ingredients and adhere to stringent European guidelines.
Our approach to product development may appear cautious or even rigorous in comparison to other manufacturers, but our years of experience have taught us that to excel, we must establish our own standards, manage our expectations, and leave no room for compromise. If we merely followed the precedents set by others, we would only achieve the same results.
Research & Development: Our product development process begins with an extensive and strict research and development phase. This often spans many months or even years, involving in-depth study, rigorous testing, and relentless effort. We meticulously review the latest and most relevant nutritional, medical, and scientific research to inform our decisions. We sift through a wide array of topics to discern what is factual, proven, reliable, and relevant. This information is then progressed to the next stage, where we conduct multiple 'theoretical' test blends using our custom software and nutritional profiling tools. These tests help us establish the potential nutritional profiles, functionality, and capabilities of our blended Superfoods. They also aid in determining the expected benefits for consumers and potential results. This process allows us to narrow down a shortlist of ingredients for further development in the early-stage trial blends and testing phase.
Ingredient Quality: Every ingredient we use undergoes thorough testing and analysis for freshness, purity, quality, and toxins. To maintain objectivity, we exclusively engage the United Kingdom's most reputable and reliable nutritional laboratories. We insist on testing and analyzing our real ingredients rather than relying on 'generally recognized values,' which are essentially theoretical nutritional values from books. This 'real-time' nutritional analysis allows us to identify higher quality, more dependable ingredients. It also helps us understand which farmers, growers, and ingredient manufacturers meet the highest quality standards. As part of our quality control, each individual ingredient is required to have its detailed Technical Dossier and Certificate of Analysis. This comprehensive analysis and associated documentation encompass various criteria, including tests for toxins, heavy metals, yeasts, molds, bacteria, allergens, intolerance information, manufacturing processes, manufacturing and 'best before end' (BBE) dates. Our level of detail and analysis is considered exceptional within and outside our industry.
Blending, Packing & Shipping: To ensure perfection at every stage of the process, we conduct testing, blending, bagging, and shipping exclusively through the most reputable and reliable UK-based manufacturing facilities and service providers. We utilize A-grade BRC (British Retail Consortium) facilities that adhere to rigorous regulations, trusted even by retailers like Waitrose. As part of our stringent quality control process, all ingredients undergo testing and inspection upon arrival. They are micro-tested again at the blending facility and re-tested before our pouches are filled. Once the pouches are filled, they are sealed, date and batch-stamped, passed through a metal detector, and subjected to further quality control checks, with each batch number registered for tracking purposes. Our standards are exceptionally high throughout every facet of our process, and we believe our testing and manufacturing standards are amongst the highest of any nutritional product globally.
As evident from the above information, we leave no room for compromise. We set high standards, work diligently, and expect nothing but the best from ourselves. Consequently, our products consistently uphold the highest quality, yielding outstanding results. We surround ourselves with the best professionals in the field, which keeps us in a constant state of learning, progress, development, and improvement. Even if we were to consider ourselves the best in the industry, we would never cease to evolve and elevate the standards even higher.
As a consumer, you invest in products like Superfoods, Super Greens, Weight Management Supplements, Vitamins, and Proteins to unlock your full potential. Our supplements are meticulously designed and manufactured to enhance your results and help you make the most of your hard work. Whether you're embarking on a fresh start, maintaining a disciplined health routine, or exploring the benefits of Superfoods, as a paying consumer, you deserve honesty. This honesty enables you to choose a 'partner,' manufacturer, or brand that you can wholeheartedly trust and rely on. When you invest your hard-earned money in yourself, you have every right to expect Supplements of the highest quality. These products should deliver real results and noticeable health benefits without compromising your well-being. The real challenge lies in determining which products are safe to trust.
Hion's inception was driven by our own challenging experiences, which highlighted the necessity for a more ethical approach. Before launching Hion, we were acutely aware that the general health, fitness, and nutrition markets were falling short of their promises. The quality of products available to consumers was often subpar, and the expected results frequently went unrealized. We understand that sports and nutritional supplements are meant to complement your daily diet. We also acknowledge that the results you achieve depend on numerous factors, such as your overall diet, exercise routine, genetic predispositions, and even your mood on a given day. However, some products on the market today do not meet the necessary standards and, in certain cases, can be unsafe.
Several regulatory bodies are established to protect consumers from extravagant and unsubstantiated claims made by certain product manufacturers. However, many manufacturers, brands, and individuals disregard these regulations and make a wide range of claims without considering the regulations or, more importantly, the health of consumers. At Hion, we take pride in developing Superfoods that are scientifically validated and naturally powered. By adhering to these extremely strict guidelines and regulations, we are held to exceptionally high standards and must work diligently to provide the necessary evidence to reference proven European nutrition and health claims. It is crucial to understand that all Superfoods are not created equal.Examples of the regulations we adhere to include:
EU Register of Nutrition & Health Claims: When food business operators market their products, they wish to be able to highlight the particular beneficial effects of the products in relation to health & nutrition on the product label or in its advertising. Union rules on nutrition & health claims have been established by Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006 as a legal framework for such product-related communications. The Regulation started to apply as of 1 July 2007. The rules of the Regulation apply to nutrition claims (such as "low fat", "high fibre") & to health claims (such as "Vitamin D is needed for the normal growth & development of bone in children"). The objective of those rules is to ensure that any claim made on a food’s labeling, presentation or advertising in the European Union is clear, accurate & based on scientific evidence. Food bearing claims that could mislead consumers are prohibited on the EU market. This not only protects consumers but also promotes innovation & ensures fair competition. The rules ensure the free circulation of foods bearing claims, as any food company may use the same claims on its products anywhere in the European Union. There are different procedures managed by the Commission for the various types of claims, with regard to their authorisation.
Food Standards Agency: The FSA promotes the microbiological safety of food throughout the food chain. It is responsible for the strategy for reducing foodborne illness, promoting a hazard analysis-based approach to food safety management & providing guidance for producers, retailers, caterers & the general public. It also deals with microbiological food hazards & outbreaks of foodborne disease.
BRC Global Standards (British Retail Consortium): BRC Global Standards is a leading safety & quality certification programme, used by over 22,000 certificated suppliers in 123 countries, with certification issued through a worldwide network of accredited certification bodies. The Standards guarantee the standardisation of quality, safety & operational criteria & ensure that manufacturers fulfill their legal obligations & provide protection for the end consumer. BRC Global Standards are now often a fundamental requirement of leading retailers. The Standard is divided into seven sections:
1. Senior Management Commitment & Continual Improvement For any food safety system to be effective it’s essential the senior management team is fully committed to its application & continued development.
2. The Food Safety Plan (HACCP) The basis for the Food Safety System is an effective HACCP (Hazard Analysis & Critical Control Point) program based on the requirements of the internationally recognised Codex Alimentarius system.
3. Food Safety & Quality Management System Sets out requirements for the management of food safety & quality, building upon the principles of ISO 9000. This includes requirements for product specifications, supplier approval, traceability, & the management of incidents & product recalls.
4. Site Standards Sets out expectations for the production environment including the layout & maintenance of the buildings & equipment, cleaning, pest control, waste management & foreign body controls.
5. Product Control Includes the requirements for product design & development stage including allergen management, product & ingredient provenance, product packaging & product inspection & testing.
6. Process Control Includes the establishment & maintenance of safe process controls, weight/volume control & equipment calibration, & ensures the documented HACCP plan is put into practice.
7. Personnel Sets out the standards needed for staff training, protective clothing & personal hygiene.
As you can see, HION's superfoods and natural supplements are of the highest quality, developed with a clear purpose and thoroughly tested for safety. This allows you to remain focused on achieving PURE LIVING. We provide you with the tools to reach your goals, but the definition of PURE LIVING is yours to determine. Love Life - Live Healthy - Be Happy!
Take a moment to clear your mind and let go of the noise of modern marketing techniques, exaggerated promises of quick fixes, and the ever-present desire for shortcuts. It's time for many of us to hit the reset button, re-evaluate our priorities, and realign our expectations.
What we're about to share might sound paradoxical, especially coming from a supplement manufacturer, but it's a fundamental truth: health, well-being, and nutrition are vital components of life, but they don't define life itself. Life is a gift, and as far as we know, we get one shot at it, so we should make the most of every moment. We believe in being healthy whenever possible, being kind to yourself and others, making the right choices, working hard, embracing discipline, and exploring new horizons—all without sacrificing happiness.
We want you to relish the journey of Pure Living, and one of our core objectives as a brand is to reach a point where our customers don't have to dwell on nutrition and supplementation. When you come to Hion, you can trust that we are doing everything precisely as it should be done.
Love Life - Live Healthy - Be Happy: You've probably noticed that we mention Pure Living frequently, and that's because we wholeheartedly endorse the idea of living a life that is pure and purposeful. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, 'pure' means 'without any extraneous and unnecessary elements' and 'free of any contamination.' Pure Living is about discovering what 'pure' means to you and investing the time and effort to attain it.
Prioritize What Matters: Have you ever pondered what truly matters in your life? Many people invest more time selecting a new wallpaper color than considering the kind of person they want to become. When you take the time to reflect on your real priorities, other things fall into place. If you consciously conclude that health and vitality are crucial elements of the life you desire, maintaining a healthy lifestyle becomes second nature. You'll no longer need to force yourself to develop healthy habits because, by understanding what truly matters, living healthily becomes your way of life.
Look within, not without: Life isn't always as it appears. With the rise of social media and savvy marketing techniques, it's easy to believe that certain aspects of life should come quickly. The reality is that many cover models use unnatural means, several supplement manufacturers make false claims, and many people who project 'happy lives' on social media are often far from content. Don't be misled into thinking that what you see is reality. Do things for yourself, create feelings of self-satisfaction and pride, and generate positivity from within.
Believe in Excellence and Set High Expectations: Don't let convenience dictate your life or preferences. Don't settle for what's readily available; instead, decide what you want and go after it. Our research has revealed that an excess of choice has led to cases of depression, anxiety, and obesity. Achieving something that requires effort and discipline often brings immense satisfaction. Every day, you can experience this by performing simple actions such as cooking a healthy meal, preparing a nutritious lunch, helping others, learning something new, or trying something for the first time.
Seek the truth: Whenever possible, rely on facts. Don't be swayed by complexity, misdirection, or clever marketing. In the realm of health, well-being, and nutrition, be guided by factual research, nutritional analysis, and real-life results. Seek wisdom from those who have achieved what you aspire to. They have learned valuable lessons, understand what works for them, and possess a wealth of knowledge to share. We at Hion never stop learning, evolving, and asking questions.
Take Action: Time doesn't pause while you deliberate what you want from life. Time has no regard for your current circumstances or reasons for hesitation. If you're going to do something, do it for yourself, or find a purpose greater than yourself to drive you. If you're unsure about your desires or what to do, that's okay—do something positive anyway. Regardless of your choice, do it wholeheartedly and savor every moment.